Doctoral School Energy Environment – ED 305
Our PhD students are mainly enrolled in the Doctoral School “Energy and Environment” which allows the enrollment in thesis in five major scientific fields of the University of Perpignan :
– solar energy
– computer science, electronics and automation
– physics, systems and mathematics
– interactions and evolution of living organisms
– the marine environment

STARS – Solar Thermal & Associated Renewable Storage
Master Specialization in Solar Thermal
Creation in 2011 of the specialization in Solar Thermal and Associated Renewable Storage (STARS) within the framework of the European Master in Renewable Energies (EMRE) managed by the Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers (EUREC). The courses of the STARS specialization are held at the PROMES Odeillo site.

Master’s degree in Energy
Course : Solar Materials and Processes
The teachers-researchers of PROMES are at the origin and are responsible for flagship training at the UPVD, in particular the MASTER ENERGY SOLAR MATERIALS AND PROCESSES created in 2004 (Head: S. Quoizola).
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Master Électronique, Energie électrique, Automatique
Course: Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Automation for Energy
Challenges – To train specialists in advanced automation and artificial intelligence techniques, particularly machine learning, and to apply these techniques to the management of energy systems. The focus is on systems related to solar energy. The training is supported by the research activities of the PROMES laboratory (“Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire”, UPR CNRS 8521).
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Sup’EnR is a public school accredited by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research and the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs (Cti). It is a training of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia. It thus benefits from its specificities in environmental and energy research (notably the PROMES laboratory which manages the Odeillo solar oven and the Themis solar power plant). It also benefits from a unique location: Sup’EnR is at the heart of a renewable energy campus.
Sup’EnR is a partner of the INSA group and trains engineers in energy and process engineering with a global approach associated with sustainable development.

Licence degree of Science in Engineering
Courses: Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation / Energy and Materials
Course: Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Automation for Energy
The SPI degree aims to train middle management students in the field of applied physics. Focused on engineering sciences and techniques, it is based on the theoretical and practical foundations necessary to grasp the teaching of specialties such as EEA: electronics, electrical engineering, control and regulation, industrial computing and EnerMat: energetics, heat and fluid mechanics, materials engineering.
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Licence degree Physics, Chemistry
The Bachelor of Physics and Chemistry is a general education devoted to scientific methodology focused on physics and theoretical or experimental chemistry. It allows students to acquire fundamental skills through the teaching of subjects such as mathematics, computer science and theoretical and applied physics and chemistry. Opening courses are also taught throughout the training, allowing students to acquire a complete training.
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