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- BOUJJAT H., RODAT S., ABANADES S., CHUAYBOON S., Experimental investigation of bed material effects on continuous solar-driven steam gasification of biomass in a conical spouted-bed cavity reactor, 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, EUBCE 2019, 27-30 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
- BOUJJAT H., RODAT S., CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., Combustion-assisted solar gasification of biomass particles in a high-temperature conical jet spouted bed reactor, 25th SolarPACES Conference, SolarPACES 2019, Solar Power & Chemical Energy Systems, October 1-4, 2019, Daegu, South Korea.
- CARLING-PLAZA A., BICHOTTE M., SOUM-GLAUDE A., KEILANY M.A., DUBOST L., THOMAS L., Aging and durability studies of solar selective absorber coatings in air at high temperature, SFERA III 1st Summer School and Doctoral Colloquim, 9-13/09/2019, Odeillo-France, oral
- CARLING-PLAZA A., KEILANY M.A., BICHOTTE M., SOUM-GLAUDE A., THOMAS L., DUBOST L., Demonstration of long term stability in air at high temperature for TiAlN solar selective absorber coatings, AIP Conf. Proc. 2126 (2019) 020001-1–7
- CHEN D., COLAS J., SU J., CHARPENTIER L., BALAT-PICHELIN M., MERCIER F., PONS M., Aluminium nitride based coatings for high temperature solar reciever systems, 46th Int. Conf. Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, ICMCTF 46, San Diego (Ca, USA), 19-24 Mai 2019
- CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., BOUJJAT H., RODAT S., Analysis of the gasification rate of biomass in a continuous particle-fed solar-irradiated gasifier, 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, EUBCE 2019, 27-30 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
- CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., RODAT S., Analysis of process parameters influence on syngas yields and biomass gasification rates in a continuous particle-fed solar-irradiated gasifier, 25th SolarPACES Conference, SolarPACES 2019, Solar Power & Chemical Energy Systems, October 1-4, 2019, Daegu, South Korea.
- DKHILI N., EYNARD J., THIL S., GRIEU S., A flexible asset operation strategy for congestion avoidance in electrical distribution grids. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), Gênes, Italie, 11-14 juin 2019.
- GBEMOU S., TOLBA H., THIL S., GRIEU S., GHI forecasting using online sparse Gaussian process regression based on quasiperiodic kernels. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), Gênes, Italie, 11-14 juin 2019.
- GODEFROY A., PERIER-MUZET M., NEVEU P., MAZET N. Hybrid thermochemical cycles for low-grade heat storage and conversion into cold and / or power, ECOS, 32nd international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems, june 23-28 2019, Wroclaw, Poland
- HAEUSSLER A., ABANADES S., JOUANNAUX J., DROBEK M., AYRAL A., JULBE A., SERVE A., CARTOIXA B., Solar thermochemical splitting of H2O and CO2 using ceria porous foam structures in a high-temperature solar reactor, 47th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC 2019, 5-12 July 2019, Paris, France.
- HAEUSSLER A., CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., Solar redox cycling of ceria in a monolithic reactor for two-step H2O/CO2 splitting: isothermal methane-induced reduction versus temperature-swing cycle, 25th SolarPACES Conference, SolarPACES 2019, Solar Power & Chemical Energy Systems, October 1-4, 2019, Daegu, South Korea.
- KIMURA H., ABANADES S., SEO S., Production of C2-olefins and hydrogen from methane pyrolysis with concentrated solar energy, 25th SolarPACES Conference, SolarPACES 2019, Solar Power & Chemical Energy Systems, October 1-4, 2019, Daegu, South Korea.
- NGOUE D., CARLING-PLAZA A., DIOP A., GROSJEAN A., PARES V., SOUM-GLAUDE A., QUOIZOLA S., HERNANDEZ E., THOMAS L., Concentrated solar power plants need plasma coatings for efficient solar energy conversion, Plathinium 2019, 23-27/09/19, Antibes, France, Oral
- NGOUE D., DIOP A., CARLING-PLAZA A., GROSJEAN A., PARES V., SOUM-GLAUDE A., QUOIZOLA S., HERNANDEZ E., THOMAS L., Elaboration, performance and durability analysis of selective coatings for CSP, SFERA III 1st Summer School and Doctoral Colloquim, 9-13/09/2019, Odeillo-France, oral
- OLIVES R., MANCAUX J.M., Étude d\’un dispositif innovant intégré au chauffe eau solaire, Colloque International Franco-Québécois en énergie -CIFQ2019, Canada, 16-20 juin 2019.
- OLIVES R., MANCAUX J.M., Intensification des transferts dans un stockage thermique par chaleur latente, Colloque International Franco-Québécois en énergie -CIFQ2019, Canada, 16-20 juin 2019.
- REBOUILLAT B., FALCOZ Q., NEVEU P. 2nde law analysis of thermocline thermal storage systems. ECOS 2019, Wrocław, Poland , 23-28 June 2019.
- REOYO-PRATS B., JOANNIS-CASSAN C., DEZANI C., GOETZ V, CALAS-BLANCHARD C., LACORTE BRUGUERA, PLANTARD G., Solar photo-oxidation process: an innovative technology to partially mineralize three major pharmaceuticals to make them biodegradable, 12th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse, Berlin, Germany, 16-20 June, 2019
- ROYER S., FRUCHIER O., GACHON D., TALBERT T., « Modeling of a Marina power network using Simulink – PLECS conceptual model », EPE 2019, Gênes, Italie (article accepté)
- TELEGANG CHECKEM C., GOETZ V., CHIRON S., PLANTARD G., Activation of persulfate for water decontamination on pilot scale solar equipment: the example of Interreg SUDOE4KET4Reuse project, 12th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse, Berlin, Germany, 16-20 June, 2019
- TOLBA H., DKHILI N., NOU J., EYNARD J., THIL S., GRIEU S., GHI forecasting using Gaussian process regression. IFAC Workshop on Control of Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Systems (CSGRES), Jeju, Corée du Sud, 10-12 juin 2019.