Projets internationaux et européens



Horizon Europe – RIA

Production of sustainable aviation fuels from waste biomass by coupling of fast pyrolysis with solar energy – partenaire
The Circular Fuels project is developing an advanced sustainable aviation fuel production process, that runs with solar energy and waste-based raw materials, and meets EU’s and UN’s sustainability requirements.

2021 – CLÉ-DE-SOL


Le projet CLÉ-DE-SOL (2021-2022) a pour objectif la maitrise du flux solaire concentré ainsi que de la température au foyer de la centrale à tour Thémis et du four solaire de 1000 kW à Odeillo.

2021 – e-DéSol EnRMAT

Le projet e-DéSol EnRMAT vise à doter les deux plateaux (Centre de Caractérisation de la Matière « C2M » et Centre d’Essais Solaire de Perpignan « CESP ») de la plateforme d’équipements pour renforcer ses activités de recherche, innovation et transfert. De l’amont (recherche) à l’aval (industrie) celles-ci sont dédiées à la transition énergétique et plus particulièrement le solaire.

2022 – TOP CSP

Horizon Europe – Actions Marie Curie

Towards Competitive, Reliable, Safe and sustainable Concentrated Solar Power – partenaire
The ”Towards Competitive, Reliable, Safe and Sustainable Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plants” (TOPCSP) doctoral network offers a unique international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research and innovation framework to 10 promising doctoral fellows. The research and training activities of TOPCSP will boost the fellows’ excellence in the development of innovative technologies and so that they will be capable of solving the challenges that currently face the solar thermal power industry. CSP plants with thermal storage are capable of providing dispatchable power to the grid or controlled process heat and, hence, constitute a key technology for the word’s transition to a renewable & carbon-free energy generation system.


The overall objective of this project is to carry on with the work done during the past 8 years in the SFERA 1 and SFERA 2 projects and reinforce the sustainability of the activities of the European advanced Concentrating Solar Power research infrastructures.


Next-CSP is a consortium of 10 partners gathered to fulfil one objective: improving the reliability and performance of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants through the development and integration of a new technology based on the use of high temperature (800°C) particles as heat transfer fluid and storage medium.


POLYPHEM is a Horizon 2020 project funded under the Energy programme (LCE-07-2016-2017 – Developing the next generation technologies of renewable electricity and heating/cooling). The consortium is coordinated by CNRS and implemented by a total of 9 partners from 4 EU member countries.


IMPROVMENT will develop, validate and demonstrate a system to turn public buildings into almost zero energy consumption buildings (nZeB) by including mirco-networks of generation combining warm, cold and electricity and conceive to respond to the SUDOE climate conditions.


MiniStor is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme to offer a sustainable solution to harness the energy efficiency potential of the European building stock