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- ABANADES S., Metal oxides applied to thermochemical water-splitting for hydrogen production using concentrated solar energy, Chem. Eng., 2019, 3(3), 63
- ARENA H., COULIBALY M., SOUM-GLAUDE A., JONCHÈRE A., MESBAH A., ARRACHAT G., PRADEILLES N., MAITRE A., DESCHANELS X., Carbide nanocomposite TiC – SiC for bulk solar absorbers applications: effect of density and surface roughness, Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells 191 (2019) 199-208
- AVELLANEDA J.M., TOUTANT A., BATAILLE F., DNS of turbulent low Mach channel flow under asymmetric high temperature gradient: effect of thermal boundary condition on turbulence statistics, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 77, 40-47, 2019
- AVELLANEDA J.M., TOUTANT A., FLAMANT G., NEVEU P., BATAILLE F., Entropy Generation in Nonisothermal Flows: Influence of Boundary Condition Type and Intensity, J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer, (2019).
- AVILA-MARIN A. L., CALIOT C., ALVAREZ DE LARA M., FERNANDEZ-RECHE J., MONTES M. J., MARTINEZ-TARIFA A., Homogeneous equivalent model coupled with P1-approximation for dense wire meshes volumetric air receivers, Renew. Energy, 2019, 135, 908-919.
- BALAT-PICHELIN M. DE SOUSA MENESES D., ANNALORO J., Behavior and optical properties of Zerodur® at high temperatures, Infrared Phys. Technol. 101, 2019, 68-77
- BARKA L., BALAT-PICHELIN M., SANS J.L., BECHE E., Oxidation and emissivity of Invar 36 alloy in air plasma at high temperatures, J. Alloys Compds 772, 2019, 1003-1016.
- BELLOUARD Q., RODAT S., ABANADES S., RAVEL S., FRAYSSINES P.E., Design, simulation and experimental study of a directly-irradiated solar chemical reactor for hydrogen and syngas production from continuous solar-driven wood biomass gasification, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 44, 2019, 19193-19205.
- BEN KHELIFA A., SOUM-GLAUDE A., KHAMLICH S., GLÉNAT H., BALGOUTHI M., GUIZANI A., MAAZA M., DIMASSI W., Optical simulation, characterization and thermal stability of Cr2O3/Cr/Cr2O3 multilayer solar selective absorber coatings, J. Alloys Compds 783 (2019) 533-544
- BOUJJAT H., RODAT S., CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., Experimental and Numerical Study of a Directly Irradiated Hybrid Solar/Combustion Spouted Bed Reactor for Continuous Steam Gasification of Biomass, Energy, 2019, 189, 116118.
- BOUJJAT H., RODAT S., CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., Numerical simulation of reactive gas-particle flow in a solar jet spouted bed reactor for continuous biomass gasification, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 144, 118572.
- BRIENZA M. NIR S., PLANTARD G., GOETZ V., CHIRON S., Combining micelle-clay sorption to solar photo fenton processes for domestic wastewater treatment, Environ. Sci. Pollution Research, 26, 18971-18978, 2019
- CAO X., JIA S., AVELLANEDA J-M., LUO Y., YUAN X., FLAMANT G., YU K-T., An optimization method to find the thermodynamic limit on enhancement of solar thermal decomposition of methane, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 44, 16164-16175 (2019).
- CHARPENTIER L., CHEN D., COLAS J., MERCIER F., PONS M., PIQUE D., GIUSTI G., J.L. SANS, BALAT-PICHELIN M., Multilayer Multifunctional Advanced Coatings for Receivers of Concentrated Solar Power plants, MRS Communication, Materials Research Society, 2019.
- CHEIKH S., ZEBBAR D., KHERRIS S., STITOU D., BENCHATTI A. (2019), Cascading Heat Transformation Process for Power Generation, Eur. J. Elect. Eng., 21(1), 115-123, 2019.
- CHEN D., COLAS J., MERCIER F., BOICHOT R., CHARPENTIER L., ESCAPE C., BALAT-PICHELIN M., PONS M., High temperature properties of AlN coatings deposited by chemical vapor deposition for solar central receivers, Surf. Coat. Technol., 377, 2019, 124872 (8 p.)
- CHONGZHE Z., HUAY F., ZANG Y., FALCOZ Q., ZHANG C., GAO C., Geometric optimization model for the solar cavity receiver with helical pipe at different solar radiation. Front. Energy. 13(2), 2019, 284-295.
- CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., Clean magnesium production using concentrated solar heat in a high-temperature cavity-type thermochemical reactor, Journal of Cleaner Production, 232, 2019, 784-795.
- CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., RODAT S., Insights into the influence of biomass feedstock type, particle size and feeding rate on thermochemical performances of a continuous solar gasification reactor, Renew. Energy, 130, 2019, 360-370.
- CHUAYBOON S., ABANADES S., RODAT S., Syngas production via solar-driven chemical looping methane reforming from redox cycling of ceria porous foam in a volumetric solar reactor, Chem. Eng. J., 356, 2019, 756-770.
- DAN A., SOUM-GLAUDE A., CARLING PLAZA A., HO C., CHATTOPADHYAY K., BARSHILIA H.C., BASU B., Temperature- and Angle-Dependent Emissivity and Thermal Shock Resistance of the W/WAlN/WAlON/Al2O3‑Based Spectrally Selective Absorber, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2 (2019) 5557-5567
- DAVE A.K. COURTY M.-A. , FITZSIMMONS K.E., SINGHVI A.K. Revisiting the contemporaneity of a mighty river and the Harappans: Archaeological, stratigraphic and chronometric constraints. Quater. Geochronology 49: 230-235, 2019.
- DU CLUZEAU A., BOIS G., TOUTANT A., Analysis and modelling of Reynolds stresses in turbulent bubbly up-flows from direct numerical simulations, J. Fluid Mech., in press, 2019.
- DUPUY D., TOUTANT A., BATAILLE F., Effect of the Reynolds number on turbulence kinetic energy exchanges in flows with highly variable fluid properties, Phys. Fluids, 31, 015104, 2019.
- DUPUY D., TOUTANT A., BATAILLE F., Study of the large-eddy simulation subgrid terms of a low Mach number anisothermal channel flow, Int. J. Thermal Sci., 135, 221-234, 2019.
- FITO J., CORONAS A., MAURAN S., MAZET N., PERIER-MUZET M., STITOU D. Hybrid system combining mechanical compression and thermochemical storage of ammonia vapor for cold production. Energy Conv. Manag., 180, 709-723, 2019.
- GODEFROY A., PERIER-MUZET M., MAZET N. Thermodynamic analyses on hybrid sorption cycles for low-grade heat storage and cogeneration of power and refrigeration, Appl. Energy, 255, 2019, 113751
- HAEUSSLER A., ABANADES S., JOUANNAUX J., DROBEK M., AYRAL A., JULBE A., Recent progress on ceria doping and shaping strategies for solar thermochemical water and CO2 splitting cycles, AIMS Mater. Sci., 6(5), 2019, 657-684.
- HE X., ZENG K., XIE Y., FLAMANT G., YANG H., YANG X., NZIHOU A., ZHENG A., DING Z., CHEN H., The effects of temperature and molten salt on solar pyrolysis of lignite, Energy (2019) 181, 407-416.
- HOFFMANN J.F., FASQUELLE T., VAITILINGOM G., OLIVES R., PY X., GOETZ V., Compatibility of vegetable oils with solid filler materials for thermocline thermal energy storage systems, Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells, 200, 109932, 2019
- JOUANNAUX J., HAEUSSLER A., DROBEK M., AYRAL A., ABANADES S., JULBE A., Lanthanum manganite perovskite ceramic powders for CO2 splitting: Influence of Pechini synthesis parameters on sinterability and reactivity, Ceram. Int., 45(12), 2019, 15636–15648.
- KANG Q., FLAMANT G., DEWILL R., BAEYENS J., ZHANG H.L., DENG Y.M., Particles in a circulation loop for solar energy capture and storage. Particuology, 43, 149-156 (2019)
- LACROIX C., PERIER-MUZET M., STITOU D., Dynamic modeling and preliminary performance analysis of a new solar thermal reverse osmosis desalination process, Energies J., 2019, 12 (20), 4015, (2019)
- LALAU Y., FAUGEROUX O., CLAUDET B., GUILLOT E., ANDRE D., HUGER M., PROUST A., CHOTARD T., A method for experimental thermo-mechanical aging of materials submitted to concentrated solar irradiation. Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells 192, 161-169, 2019.
- LE BARON E., GIRAUD P., ADIRE M., RACCURT O., BARRIGA J., ECHEGUT P., DE SOUSA MENESES D., CAPIANI C., SCITI D., SOUM-GLAUDE A., ESCAPE C., JERMAN I., LÓPEZ G. A., ECHÁNIZ T., TELLO M. J., MATINO F., MACCARI A., MERCATELLI L., SANI E., Round Robin Test for the Comparison of Spectral Emissivity Measurement Apparatuses, Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells 191 (2019) 476-485
- LE GAL A., GRANGE B., TESSONNEAUD M., PEREZ A., ESCAPE C., SANS J-L., FLAMANT G., Thermal analysis of fluidized particle flows in a finned tube solar receiver. Solar Energy (2019), 191, 19-33.
- LELIEVRE J.F., KAFLE B., SAINT-CAST P., BRUNET P., MAGNAN R., HERNANDEZ E., POULIQUEN S. AND MASSINES F., Efficient silicon nitride SiNx:H antireflective and passivation layers deposited by atmospheric pressure PECVD for silicon solar cells, Progr. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 2019, 1-13.
- LOPEZ-FERBER N., PHAM MINH D., FALCOZ Q., MEFFRE A., TESSIER-DOYEN N., NZIHOU A., GOETZ V., Development of a thermal energy storage pressed plate ceramic based on municipal waste incinerator bottom ash and waste clay, Waste Biomass Valo., acceptée le 18/02/2019, article in press.
- LOPEZ-FERBER N.; FALCOZ Q.; PHAM MINH D.; HOFFMANN J.F.; MEFFRE A.; NZIHOU A.; GOETZ V., Flexibility and robustness of a high-temperature air/ceramic thermocline heat storage pilot, J. Energy Storage, 21, 393-404, 2019.
- MAGNAN R, HAGELAAR G.J.M., CHAKER M. AND MASSINES F., Atmospheric pressure dual RF-LF frequency discharge: Influence of LF voltage amplitude on the RF discharge behavior. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 2019, 10.1088/1361-6595/ab4cfe
- MAHDHI H., BEN AYADI Z., DJESSAS K., Physical properties of metal-doped ZnO thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering at room temperature, J. Solid State Electrochem., DOI 10.1007/s10008-019-04312-7 (2019)
- MILOSAN I., CRISTEA D., VOICULESCU I., POP M.A., BALAT-PICHELIN M., PREDESCU A., BOGATU C.A., BEDO T., BERBECARU A., GEANTA V., GABOR C., ISAC L.A., SARBU F.A., OANCEA G., Characterization of EN 1.4136 stainless steel heat-treated in solar furnace, The Int. J. Adv. Manufact. Technol., 101(9-12), 2019, 2955-2962.
- MILOSAN I., VARGA B., BEDO T., POP M.A., BALAT-PICHELIN M., LUCA-MOTOC D., STOICANESCU M., Thermal analysis on AlSi12-SiC hybrid composites sintered, J. Thermal Anal. Calorim., 138(4), 2019, 2937-2944
- PELAY U., LUO L., FAN Y., STITOU D., CASTELAIN C., Integration of a Thermochemical Energy Storage System in a Rankine, Energy J., 167, 15, 498- 510, (2019)
- PIRIOU C., RAPAUD O., FOUCAUD S., CHARPENTIER L., BALAT-PICHELIN M., COLAS M., Sintering and oxidation behavior of HfB2-SiC composites from 0 to 30% vol. SiC between 1450 and 1800 K, Ceram. Int. 45, 2019, 1846-1856.
- PLUJAT B., GLENAT H., BOUSQUET A., FREZET L., HAMON J., GOULLET A., TOMASELLA E., HERNANDEZ E., QUOIZOLA S., THOMAS L., “SiCN:H thin films deposited byMW‐PECVD with liquid organosilicon precursor: Gas ratio influence versus properties of the deposits”, Plasma Proc. Polymers, 2019.
- PRUVOST J., GOETZ V., ARTU A., DA P., ALJABRI H., Thermal modelling of microalgal biomass production in the harsh desert conditions of state of Qatar, Algal Res., 38, 101381-12p , 2019.
- PULLAR R.C., NOVAIS R.M., CAETANO A.P.F., BARREIROS M.A., ABANADES S., COSTA OLIVEIRA F.A., A review of solar thermochemical CO2 splitting using ceria-based ceramics with designed morphologies and microstructures, Front. Chem., 2019, 7, 601.
- REOYO-PRATS R., CARLING PLAZA A., FAUGEROUX O., CLAUDET B., SOUM-GLAUDE A., HILDEBRANDT C., BINYAMIN Y., AGUERO A., MEIßNER T., Accelerated aging of absorber coatings for CSP receivers under real high solar flux – Evolution of their optical properties. Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells 193, 92-100, 2019.
- RODRÍGUEZ-SÁNCHEZ M.R., LERAY C., TOUTANT A., FERRIERE A., OLALDE G., Development of a new method to estimate the incident solar flux on central receivers from deteriorated heliostats, Renew. Energy, 130, 182-190, 2019.
- SHAFIEI KALEIBARI S., YANPING Z., ABANADES S., Solar-driven high temperature hydrogen production via integrated spectrally split concentrated photovoltaics (SSCPV) and solar power tower, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 44(5), 2019, 2519-2532.
- SORIA J., LI R., FLAMANT G., MAZZA G., Influence of pellet size on product yields and syngas composition during solardriven high temperature fast pyrolysis of biomass, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 140, 299-311 (2019). doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2019.04.007
- TAPACHES E., SALAS D., PERIER-MUZET M., MAURAN S., AUSSEL D., MAZET N. The Value of Thermochemical Storage for CSP: economic and technical conditions of power plants profitability on SPOT markets. Energy Conv. Manag., Volume 198, (2019)
- TELEGANG CHEKEM C. GOETZ V., RICHARDSON Y., PLANTARD G., BLIN J., Modeling of adsorption/photodegradation phenomena on AC-TiO2 composite catalyst for water detoxification, Catalysis Today, 328, 183-188, 2019
- TOLBA H., DKHILI N., NOU J., EYNARD J., THIL S., GRIEU S., GHI forecasting using Gaussian process regression: a kernel study, IFACPapersOnLine, 52 (4), 455-460, 2019.
- XIAO H., YANPING Z., YOU C., CHONGZHE Z., FALCOZ Q., Effects of critical geometric parameters on the optical performance of a conical cavity receiver. Front. Energy, 1-11, 2019
- XIE Y., ZENG K., FLAMANT G., YANG H., LIU N., HE X., YANG X., NZIHOU A., CHEN H., Solar pyrolysis of cotton stalk in molten salt for bio-fuel production. Energy 179, 1124-1132 (2019).
- ZENG K., LI R., PHAM MINH D., WEISS-HORTALA E., NZIHOU A., HE X., FLAMANT G., Solar pyrolysis of heavy metal contaminated biomass for gas fuel production. Energy (2019), 187, 116016.