We are pleased to present the 4TH Training for Industries course with the topic Molten Salt Systems CSP plants. This courseis organized by ENEA and DLR and will take place at the Cr ENEA Casaccia Via Anguillarese 301 – 00123 Rome, Italy from November 7th – 11th, 2022. It is designed for engineers, researchers and representatives from European CSP industry and companies. For more information and application please visit SFERA-III website.
The SFERA 3 training courses for CSP professionals focus on the main CSP technologies and aim at facilitating the communication between European researchers and industry as well as enhancing the transfer of know-how and innovations. Therefore participants will be trained on European test infrastructure by expert researchers in the field.
Contact: Walter Gaggioli (ENEA) – Tel.: +39 (0)630486212 – Email: